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Privacy Statement

GeniMedical is a trade name of QRS Healthcare B.V.

Because we process sensitive personal data, we have the important responsibility of carefully protecting the privacy of our customers. Therefore, we closely follow the GDPR legislation and have a data protection officer in-house.
In the following Privacy and Cookie Statement, we explain which data we process, what we do with this data, how long we store the data, and why we use cookies.

Privacy and Cookie Statement

This is the Privacy and Cookie Statement of QRS Groep BV (hereinafter: QRS) as well as its affiliated companies. We understand the importance of your privacy. We process your data to serve you as efficiently as possible and do so according to applicable laws and regulations. We do everything possible to protect your data. This privacy statement outlines the type of data we process, how we handle this data, and the purposes associated with it.
This statement applies to our business services, including all (telephone) inquiries and requests via the QRS websites. This covers all business orders, contracts, etc. This privacy statement does not apply to the links you may find on our websites. It is also explicitly not applicable to consumers/private customers/patients. For the processing of personal data of your patients, the “Privacy and Cookie Statement for Individuals” applies. By accessing the site, you agree that Dutch law applies to all matters that may arise from or be related to the use and content of this site.

Data Processing
If you wish to use our services, you may be asked to provide the following personal data:

  • Company and contact details;
  • Personal data of the contact person;
  • Phone number of the contact person;
  • Type of organization;
  • Chamber of Commerce number (or company number in Belgium);
  • VAT number.

Purposes for Using This Data
We use the aforementioned data for the following purposes:

  • To fulfill agreements with health insurers, hospitals, pharmacies, or nursing/residential care homes;
  • Proper deployment of medical devices;
  • The provision and invoicing of our services, including our service offerings;
  • Handling your order and informing you about its progress;
  • Responding to questions and handling complaints;
  • Conducting customer satisfaction surveys;
  • Improving our business operations;
  • Providing data to third parties based on (legal) obligations and/or to enhance our services;
  • Informing you about developments or services from QRS, developments in your healthcare area, and/or about products.

We process the aforementioned personal data solely to execute the agreed-upon agreement. Unfortunately, we cannot provide our services without processing your personal data. Your data will never be stored longer than necessary or legally permitted, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Data that no longer needs to be retained will be deleted as soon as possible. QRS may listen in on or record conversations between QRS customer service and its customers for business purposes, such as training and/or quality monitoring. Upon request, the recording of the conversation will be deleted. This data will not be stored longer than necessary.

Sharing Information with Third Parties
QRS may share your data with affiliated companies of QRS. QRS will not sell your personal data to third parties and will only make this data available to third parties involved in fulfilling your request or if we have obtained your permission to share your data. Third parties may include, for example, suppliers, delivery services such as PostNL, and insurers of medical devices. Additionally, QRS may share data with parties other than the aforementioned third parties to comply with legal obligations or to improve our services. Our employees and third parties engaged by us are required to respect the confidentiality of your data and comply with the applicable privacy laws and regulations.

Technical Information and Cookies

What is a cookie and why do we use cookies?
We use cookies on this website. A cookie is a simple, small file that is sent with the pages of this website (and/or Flash applications) and stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. The information stored in it can be sent back to our servers during a future visit. Cookies help ensure that the website functions properly. Additionally, we use this data to analyze the navigation flow and other relevant statistics of our visitors, allowing us to offer a better user experience and to tailor our advertisements on other websites to your interests as much as possible.
For the placement and reading of certain cookies, we are not required to ask for your consent. This applies to necessary cookies and to analytical cookies that have little or no impact on your privacy. For other cookies, we ask for your consent, if applicable, before placing and reading them. We do this through the cookie banner in our shop.

Necessary Cookies
These cookies ensure that our website functions properly. This includes logging in, remembering information so you don’t have to re-enter everything, adding products to your cart, remembering the contents of your cart, and processing your payment. With the help of a persistent cookie, we can recognize you on a return visit to our website. This allows the website to be specifically tailored to your preferences. If you have given permission for cookies to be placed, we can also remember this preference using a cookie, so you don’t have to repeat your choices each time, saving you time and making the website more user-friendly. You can delete persistent cookies through your browser settings.

Use of Session Cookies
With the help of a session cookie, we can track which parts of the website you visited during this session. This allows us to tailor our services as much as possible to the browsing behavior of our visitors. These cookies are automatically deleted once you close your web browser.

Tracking Cookies from Us
With your consent, we place a cookie on your device, which can be accessed whenever you visit a website within our network. This allows us to determine if you have visited other websites within our network in addition to our own. The profile created through this tracking is not linked to your name, address, email address, or other personal details, but is solely used to tailor advertisements to your profile, making them as relevant as possible for you.

Analytical Cookies
Through our website, a cookie from the American company Google is placed as part of the “Analytics” service. We use this service to track and receive reports on how visitors use our website. Google may provide this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no control over this. We have not given Google permission to use the collected analytics data for any other Google services. We have deliberately chosen privacy-friendly settings. The information collected by Google is anonymized as much as possible, and your IP address is explicitly not shared. Google does not share anonymous data with third parties.

Google Privacy and Policy Guidelines
You can read Google’s comprehensive Privacy Policy and Terms of Service here. The information collected is transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google adheres to the Privacy Shield principles and is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Privacy Shield program. This ensures an adequate level of protection for the processing of any personal data.

How Can You Enable, Disable, and Delete Cookies?
You can set most browsers to reject certain cookies or notify you when you receive cookies. In some browsers, you can also configure settings so that cookies are automatically deleted when you close the browser. In the ‘Help’ section of the toolbar in most browsers, you will find instructions on how to adjust your browser settings regarding cookie usage. If cookies are rejected, certain services or features of the website may not function optimally. Additionally, we may not be able to recognize or actively address any issues related to your user experience on the website.

How to Delete Tracking Cookies Placed by Third Parties
Some tracking cookies are placed by third parties that display advertisements to you via our website. These cookies can be deleted or permanently blocked through your browser settings.

Want to Know More About Cookies?
You can find more information about cookies on the following website:
Data Protection Authority: Cookies.

Transfer of Business
It is possible that in the future, one or more parts or assets of QRS may be transferred to a third party. In such a case, the data of our customers will also be transferred.

Transfer to Countries Outside the EU
We do not transfer your personal data to countries outside the European Union.

How Do We Protect Your Data?
We take every possible measure to protect your personal data. We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure your data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. QRS considers the protection of your personal data from the very start when developing products and services. We ensure that we do not process more data than necessary and that all processing takes place in a secure environment, accessible only by authorized personnel. An authorization matrix is used to determine which employees can view certain personal data and for what purpose.
In the unlikely event that something goes wrong with the protection of your personal data, we follow our “data breach procedure,” ensuring that both you and the Data Protection Authority are notified in time if necessary. A key part of this procedure is that we take immediate action to address the data breach.

Accessing and Updating Your Data
You can always view and, if necessary, modify your own data and personal settings on your personal settings page when logged into one of our ordering websites. If you receive a newsletter or information from QRS and/or its affiliated companies and no longer wish to receive it, you can unsubscribe via the link in the newsletter or by contacting QRS customer service. Your request will be processed as soon as possible.
You can also contact our customer service if you want to know which data we have stored about you or if you would like to modify or delete your data. You can reach customer service via

This privacy statement is subject to change. Any changes will be announced on this page.

Questions and Complaints
You can send your questions and requests regarding the processing of personal data and the use of cookies via email to
November 24, 2020

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